Marjorie Cullerne

Pancake Breakfast

The chefs arrived early to heat up their skillets, get the bacon and sausages sizzling and put the coffee on to brew early Friday September 6th.   Aside from coffee brewers extraordinaire: Joan Harrison and Beverley Coolican, the kitchen was dominated by men and it ticked like a well-oiled machine. Majorie Cullerne, violinist with the…


Judy & Tony’s Excellent Adventure

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was the spotlight at the general meeting just prior to the Anniversary luncheon, June 12th. Judy and Tony Eastham lived and worked in The Kingdom before returning to Canada after a 16 year hiatus (the previous 13 in Hong Kong). The second largest industry in Saudi Arabia is tourism and…

Maureen Eykelenboom

Boomer’s Legacy

Maureen Eykelenboom’s passion for helping those in need in countries served by the Canadian Forces was immediately evident at our May 1st meeting. She upholds and promotes the values that her son, Cpl. Andrew “Boomer” Eykelenboom, held so high before he was killed in action in Afghanistan in 2006. Her presentation sparkled with humour, showing …

Guide Dog - Bruce

Bruce – Guide Dog in Training

Nancy Klinger is not an ordinary dog owner—she takes her dog to movies, shopping centres, and on buses.  She makes sure that Bruce gets as much human interaction as he can and is comfortable in just about any situation so that he can do his job well when the time comes to go to work.…

David Salzano

Fraud Facts

David Salzano, Senior  Compliance Officer with the BC Securities Commission, delivered a strong message to all members who attended the March meeting: know yourself and know your advisor. He offered a list of fraud warning signs and suggested that doing your own research (into the advisor and the offering) was key.  “If you don’t understand…

Delirium or Dementia?

Our February 2013 speaker, Lori Amdam from Vancouver Island Health Authority, had attendees’ rapt attention as she described the differences between delirium and dementia. In her comparison of the two “Ds”, she illustrated how distinctly different the two are by highlighting the key difference:  time.  Delirium is a sudden change in cognition, function and behaviour,…