August Appies

  It was a perfect evening:  an incredibly beautiful setting overlooking Nanoose Bay, a strolling musician, and food extraordinaire! The appie table overflowed with delicious offerings (amazing that there were very few duplications from over 40 people) and, thanks to Sylvia Paish, there were fresh oysters on the BBQ. Special thanks to Lee and Joe…

Intent on Design

Picnic 2013

This year’s picnic was blessed with warm and sunny weather, a beautiful location and over sixty high-spirited members who were ready to party! Thanks go to Diane and Hans De Visser, whose backyard was just perfect for the occasion, and to the Social Committee headed by Robert Grose (MC extraordinaire).  They came up with challenges –…

Kitty Coleman Gardens Tour

On May 22, nine Probus members enjoying a wonderful guided tour of Kitty Coleman Woodland Gardens, magnificent 3,000 Rhodo gardens interspersed amongst the fern laden hills and stream valleys. Brian Zimmerman, the owner, was our personal guide and we enjoyed his stories of how he single handed transformed the woodlands into the beautiful casual gardens…

Comox Airforce Museum Tour

On October 18, 28 Probusians and guests drove to the Comox and spent an hour and a half in the museum exhibit area which was rich with photos, artifacts and information on the squadrons that served (and still serve) at Comox, the planes that they flew and the history that they made or were a…