Happy New Year everyone! We have an exciting list of guest speakers lined up for the next several months already. Many of our Special Interest Groups are fully engaged and others will follow and expand in the coming months.
I want to welcome Kim Rasmussen to our Management Committee (MC) as Co-Chair of our Communications Group with Gail Sherson. Also, a big thank you to Marnie Swanson for her wise insight in her Past President role and her continuing contributions as Co- Secretary with Don Dempson. And thanks to Sue Kelly for stepping up to the Vice President’s role.
We will be recruiting new folks to help out on the MC as the year unfolds. If you have any particular interest area, please contact a MC member to help you get involved.
We certainly hope to expand our club’s activities from where we are today over the course of the year. Let’s all play our part in collectively supporting adherence to the health care agency directives, in both spirit and intent, to get there sooner than later.
Best regards,
Al MacDonald
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