As was the case for most days this Summer, July 25th was a hot one!
Bravo to those intent on keeping with the theme and who came dressed up for the occasion. Don’s photos illustrate the creativity of our crowd with the prize for the Tackiest Tourist going to Leslie MacDonald and the Tackiest Tee Shirt, hands down, was Tony Eastham’s.
And what could be tackier than Spam and cheese appies? Did everyone get the fish (fish crackers) and chips? Catering by Pacific Brimm kept to the theme right down to the Ambrosia salad: fuchsia- colored with marshmallows.
Prizes were given for guessing the number of saltwater taffies in the jar, but the big excitement was the 25/25 draw with the accumulated amount being divvied up four ways. The meat draw could be nothing else but a tin of Spam.
Terry Kelly was tenacious in making sure everyone had a location on his back. Some had me questioning my geographical savvy. Where is Curacao anyway?
Robert Grose, the Master of Suave was our MC for the day… job well done. And our music man, Phil Howell, supplied us with summer tunes.