Mich Pambrun & Rick Fields: Vancouver Island’s wine and spirit industry

“Petit Milo, “Sauvignette”, “Cabernet Libre” were some wine varietals most of us had never even heard of.  Vancouver Island’s unique cool coastal climate requires special knowledge when it comes to wine-making…(Teaser) Local Sommellier, Mich Pambrun, presented us with some interesting details about these processes, taking us on a virtual trip to Unsworth Winery, where the…

Lisa Leger: A Sensible Look at Natural Medicine

Northwest Bay PROBUS | Lisa Leger: A Sensible Look at Natural Medicine Lisa Leger, the Natural Health Consultant at Parksville Pharmasave, helped guide us through the quagmire of information out there to build a bridge between conventional medicine and natural approaches to health. Lisa discussed preventative strategies like diet and lifestyle and the use of…

Byron Horner: Great Bear Rainforest

Upon completing university, Byron Horner and Ian McAllister, long- standing best friends, chose career paths that went off in completely different directions:  Byron to become a corporate lawyer and businessman; Ian an environmentalist, photographer and film maker.  Many years later fate re-connected them for the making of IMAX film: The Great Bear Rainforest when Byron,…

NWB PROBUS – 15th anniversary!

Well, wasn’t that a party!  With 61 members and 11 guests present, we had a packed house as we celebrated our Club’s 15th Anniversary in grand style at the April meeting.  Looks as though our Snowbirds are home to roost and to welcome Springtime in beautiful Nanoose Bay and environs. Don and Phil provided us…

John Deniseger:  Bringing the World to Milner Gardens

Maybe it was the return of the snowbirds, maybe it was the promise of Spring but our April guest speaker, John Deniseger, spoke to a packed house at our April meeting pulling us into the magical world of Milner Gardens where “Education, Conservation and Inspiration” are the key words to it’s mission. John Deniseger, who…

Dwight Owens: Canada’s Hydrothermal Vents

It was like stepping through the looking glass and being accosted by strange creatures in an environment you could only imagine as being true – science fiction. Dwight Owens, from UVic Ocean Networks Canada, in early March took Probus members on a journey to the bottom of the ocean, only 300 km off the west…