Darin Guenette: BC Ferries Manager of Public Affairs

Did you know that the person who serves your All Aboard breakfast or the clerk who sells you a magazine in the gift shop when you travel on a BC ferry has also had intensive training in marine emergency response?   After the tragic Queen of the North accident in 2006, BC Ferries implemented a…

Marnie Swanson – Our New President

President’s Message – January 2018 I’m really pleased to be taking on the NW Bay PROBUS Presidency for the next two years and once again want to thank our past president, Don Dempson, for his inspired leadership over the past two years.  For my first President’s message, I thought I’d tell you a bit about…

Don Dempson

Parting Thoughts from our Outgoing President – Don Dempson

It’s hard to believe two years have come and gone; where does time go!  As your out-going President, I want to say: “Thank You” for all the support, ideas, challenges, commitment, jokes and friendship.  This club works because, YOU MAKE IT HAPPEN. The Management teams over the past two years have evolved into well-honed machines…

Catherine Gilbert: Coastal Exploration – Naming the Named

When local historian Catherine Gilbert ( also author, editor and lecturer) was a guide on boat cruises, the question came up: “What were the original individual names of the archipelago of islands that surround us?”  As it turned out,  First Nations people never actually gave the islands names,  referring to them after the function they…

December Meeting and AGM

Outside, if you’d have thought there was a good- sized party going on, you wouldn’t be wrong; but once inside the noise level was approaching a sports stadium pitch as more than 50 Club members shared greetings, stories and holiday memories. December’s meeting was a rousing kick-off to the Christmas Season and it was the…

Dr. Graham Pike: Dean of International Education at VIU

Our November Speaker was Dr. Graham Pike, Dean of International Education at VIU. After 40 years of teaching, 30 of which have been in International Studies, it was evident that Dr. Pike continues to be passionate about his love of teaching and fostering the international students who have become an integral and essential part of…