Makenzie Leine: Island Timberlands

PROBUS learns a lot about local Forestry Practices from Makenzie Leine of Island Timberlands at our March meeting. Myths of red plaid-coated, bearded forester stereotypes were broken by our March speaker Makenzie Leine – Registered Professional Forester. As a child she grew up in logging camps with her father, a logger, until age eight.  As she…

Gail Sherson: BC’s Forest Sector

Gail Sherson, who spoke at our meeting on February 3rd is a Chemical Engineer with a graduate degree in Pulp and Paper Engineering, and has been working with the BC Pulp and Paper Sector on innovation and industry transformation.  She spoke to our group about the positive things that are happening as well as some…

Barb Ashmead: Vancouver Island Compassion Dogs Society

If it wasn’t for Trooper, a little rescue dog turned compassion dog, and an amazing woman named Barb Ashmead,  war veteran Brian Cameron might still be terrified to even walk out his front door.  As it was, Barb and Brian and Trooper inspired and educated all of us who attended the January PROBUS meeting about post traumatic…

December Meeting – Christmas Fun

 It was a merry group who showed up to our December 2nd meeting, wearing their tacky Christmas sweaters,  holiday ties  and reindeer antlers to kick off the Holiday Season in style.  Thanks to Linda and team we enjoyed goodies and Christmas cheer along with few games thrown in by our Social Committee to challenge the…

Nestor Gayowsky: Ukraine since 2014

At the November 4th General Meeting, retired Canadian diplomat, Nestor Gayowsky spoke to a packed house on the topic of establishing democracy in Ukraine and what had transpired in that country since 2014.  From 1981 to 1983, Nestor Gayowsky was posted to Moscow as Trade Commissioner. That assignment led to his appointment in 1989 as…

Shane Wilson: Unique Artist in a Unique Medium

What might you do if someone handed you a 40,000 year-old woolly mammoth tooth?   Well, if you were a master carver and your name was Shane Wilson, you’d undoubtedly accept it and then spend the next few months transforming it into a masterpiece.  On October 7th PROBUS members had the good fortune to listen to…