Out & About: Winery Tour

Northwest Bay PROBUS Winery Tour  Marilyn Venturi, of Venturi Schulze Vineyards, was a spirited and engaging hostess during our winery and Traditional Balsamic Vinegar production facility tour and tasting in the warm Cowichan Valley on August 18. She regaled us with the history of the winery, and of the issues facing local organic farmers in…

Northwest Bay Probus Summer Picnic – 2016

More than fifty happy members and guests attended our annual Summer Picnic, which for the third year was held in Diane and Hans deVisser’s lovely back garden.  After some anxious sky-watching, we were rewarded with a sunny, warm afternoon so we could all relax, sip our wine, socialize, and challenge ourselves with outdoor games.  Diets…

Christmas Dinner & Dance

One picture is worth a thousand words and the above slide show tells it all.  Thanks to the hard work of Norm Kilarski and his team of elves, the Christmas dinner and dance was throughly enjoyed by all. From the humorous table names to the delicious turkey, roast beef and all the trimmings, to music…

Appetizer Extravaganza Fun

Once again our club members had the privilege of meeting at a beautiful waterfront home for our annual Appetizer Extravaganza.  The weather was perfect and thirty-six people arrived with plates of scrumptious appetizers and beverages of their choice to enjoy the view and socialize. It was amazing that not one appetizer was repeated and discussions…

Winning Golf Team 2015

Fun Golf Day 2015

Whether serious golfer or once-a-year duffer – a great time was had by all on Wednesday August 6th.   The BBQ, provided by the folks at Brigadoon Golf Course, was a hit – so nice to stay on the property and enjoy each other’s company without having to drive to a different locale.  The hamburgers,…

Pulled Pork & Profiteroles

Thanks to Social Director extraordinaire (Bonnie Howell) and Diane de Visser (host extraordinaire) as well as many eager volunteers, our annual picnic was a huge success. Everyone enjoyed the pulled pork, chicken wings, beans and salads from Smokin George’s BBQ and the cream-filled profiteroles (with a splash of chocolate sauce) were quickly devoured. As usual, the…